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dc.contributor.authorValencia, Felipe J. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Nucleo Matemat Fis & Estadist, Santiago, Chile]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, Rafael I. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr Nanotecnol Aplicada]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorShiryaev, Andrey A.es_CL
dc.contributor.authorHinks, Jonathan A.es_CL
dc.contributor.authorMarks, Nigel A.es_CL
dc.contributor.authorGreaves, Graemees_CL
dc.contributor.authorDonnelly, Stephen E.es_CL
dc.contributor.authorKiwi, Migueles_CL
dc.contributor.authorTrigub, Alexander L.es_CL
dc.contributor.authorBringa, Eduardo M.es_CL
dc.contributor.authorFogg, Jason L.es_CL
dc.contributor.authorVlasov, Igor I.es_CL
dc.identifier.citationShiryaev, A. A., Hinks, J. A., Marks, N. A., Greaves, G., Valencia, F. J., Donnelly, S. E., ... & Fogg, J. L. (2018). Ion implantation in nanodiamonds: size effect and energy dependence. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-9.es_CL
dc.description.abstractNanoparticles are ubiquitous in nature and are increasingly important for technology. They are subject to bombardment by ionizing radiation in a diverse range of environments. In particular, nanodiamonds represent a variety of nanoparticles of significant fundamental and applied interest. Here we present a combined experimental and computational study of the behaviour of nanodiamonds under irradiation by xenon ions. Unexpectedly, we observed a pronounced size effect on the radiation resistance of the nanodiamonds: particles larger than 8 nm behave similarly to macroscopic diamond (i.e. characterized by high radiation resistance) whereas smaller particles can be completely destroyed by a single impact from an ion in a defined energy range. This latter observation is explained by extreme heating of the nanodiamonds by the penetrating ion. The obtained results are not limited to nanodiamonds, making them of interest for several fields, putting constraints on processes for the controlled modification of nanodiamonds, on the survival of dust in astrophysical environments, and on the behaviour of actinides released from nuclear waste into the environment.es_CL
dc.description.sponsorshipRussian Science FoundationRussian Science Foundation (RSF) [14-13-01279]; FONDECYTComision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)CONICYT FONDECYT [1160639]; CEDENNA [FB0807]; CONICYTComision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT) [21140948]; AFOSRUnited States Department of DefenseAir Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) [FA9550-16-1-0122]; SeCTyP-UNCuyo grant; EPSRCEngineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) [EP/E017266/1]; Competitiveness Program of NRNU MEPhI; [PICT-2014-0696]es_CL
dc.description.sponsorshipWe highly appreciate provision of Orgueil meteoritic nanodiamonds by A.V. Fisenko and L.F. Semjonova. This work was partly supported by Russian Science Foundation (grant 14-13-01279 to A.A.S.), by FONDECYT project 1160639 (M.K.), CEDENNA (BASAL/CONICYT GRANT FB0807 to M.K.). F.J.V. was supported by CONICYT Doctoral Fellowship 21140948. M.K. was supported by AFOSR Grant FA9550-16-1-0122, and E.M.B. by PICT-2014-0696 (ANPCyT), and a SeCTyP-UNCuyo grant. The MIAMI facility was constructed with funding from EPSRC (grant EP/E017266/1 to S.E.D. and J.A.H.). The quantum chemistry calculations were carried out using high-performance computing resources of the federal collective usage centre Complex for Simulation and Data Processing for Megascience Facilities at NRC"Kurchatov Institute", This study was supported by the Competitiveness Program of NRNU MEPhI (I.I.V.).es_CL
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceSci Rep, MAR 2018. 8
dc.subjectMultidisciplinary Scienceses_CL
dc.titleIon implantation in nanodiamonds: size effect and energy dependencees_CL
umayor.politicas.sherpa/romeoDOAJ Gold, Green Publishedes_CL
umayor.indexadoPMID: 29572465es_CL
dc.identifier.doiDOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-23434-yes_CL]
umayor.indicadores.scopus-(scimago-sjr)SCIMAGO/ INDICE H: 149 Hes_CL

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