Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Elimination of primary circulating prostate cells after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer decreases the risk of future biochemical failure
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)
OBJECTIVES: Primary CPCs are those detected in the blood of prostate cancer patients before radical treatment; secondary CPCs are those detected afterwards. Although primary CPCs are frequently found, it has been suggested ...
BarR, an Lrp-type transcription factor in sulfolobus acidocaldarius, regulates an aminotransferase gene in a β-alanine responsive manner.
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)
In archaea, nothing is known about the β-alanine degradation pathway or its regulation. In this work, we identify and characterize BarR, a novel Lrp-like transcription factor and the first one that has a non-proteinogenic ...
Physiological and physical profile of taekwondo athletes of different age categories during simulated combat
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)
The purpose of the present study was to compare the physiological responses and the actions performed by taekwondo athletes from three different age groups. The sample consisted of children (10.9 ± 1.6 years), cadets (14.7 ...
Primary circulating prostate cells are not detected in men with low grade small volume prostate cancer
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)
Objective. To determine if primary circulating prostate cells (CPCs) are found in all men with prostate cancer. Methods and Patients. A prospective study, to analyze all men with an elevated PSA between 4.0 and 10.0 ng/mL ...
The Effect of Tunicamycin on the Glucose Uptake, Growth, and Cellular Adhesion in the Protozoan Parasite Crithidia fasciculata
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)
Crithidia fasciculata represents a very interesting model organism to study biochemical, cellular, and genetic processes unique to members of the family of the Trypanosomatidae. Thus, C. fasciculata parasitizes several ...
Ndae1 expression and regulation in Drosophila embryos
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)
The construction and prediction of cell fate maps at the whole embryo level require the establishment of an accurate atlas of gene expression patterns throughout development and the identification of the corresponding ...
Morfógenos durante el desarrollo embrionario de vertebrados
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)
Durante el desarrollo embrionario, las células de muchos tejidos se diferencian de acuerdo con la información de posición que se establece por las gradientes de concentración de morfógenos. Estas son moléculas de señalización ...
Situación y abordaje de lista de espera en un establecimiento de salud público en Santiago de Chile
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)
INTRODUCTION: Waiting lists are a well-known problem in public healthcare systems worldwide. For instance, England had over one million people in waiting lists for elective surgical procedures in 2000. Spain had over 360 ...
Enfermedad celíaca: un campo fértil para los errores diagnósticos
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)
En las pasadas dos décadas, el interés en la enfermedad celíaca ha aumentado considerablemente, tanto en los medios especializados como en los legos al demostrarse que la prevalencia de esta entidad es mucho más frecuente ...
Empatía en estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Mayor, sede Temuco, IX Región, Chile
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)
Objetivo: estimar la orientación empática y el comportamiento de la estructura del constructo empatia en los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Mayor, sede Temuco (Chile). Materiales y métodos: se aplicó la Escala ...