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(Chile Universidad Mayor. Escuela de Diseño, 2013)La obesidad y el sobrepeso es una de las problemáticas más importantes a nivel global. Hoy en día 1.000 millones de adultos la padece y 300 millones de niños conviven con ella a diario , es por esto que muchos países ... -
100 años de Edgar Morin, el pensamiento de la complejidad
(El Quinto Poder, 2021-07-02)Edgar Morín -uno de los mayores filósofos del mundo contemporáneo, el filósofo francés de la complejidad- cumple 100 años. En esta nota de prensa, Leal plantea la importancia, en este complejo momento que vivimos como ... -
100 años de insulinas: un futuro de innovación y acceso
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2022)En 2021 se conmemora el aniversario del descubrimiento de la insulina. Destacados médicos especialistas en diabetes y pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 en Chile, reflexionan sobre el impacto del descubrimiento de la insulina, ... -
14 músicos del Conservatorio U. Mayor se unen virtualmente para interpretar obra de Bach
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2020-04-16)Académicos y estudiantes del Conservatorio de la Universidad Mayor se conectan desde sus hogares para presentar la Cantata "Lch steh’ mit einem Fuß im Grabe", BWV 156 (Adagio de la Cantata número 156) del compositor alemán ... -
20 estudiantes y académicos del Conservatorio de Música interpretan Suite Holberg de Edvard Grieg
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2020-05-13)El grupo de músicos de la U. Mayor realizó una segunda presentación online, tras su alabada versión de Bach, y tributó a este compositor y pianista noruego, considerado uno de los principales representantes del romanticismo ... -
2018 Chilean Physical Activity Report Card for Children and Adolescents: Full Report and International Comparisons
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2020)Background: The study summarizes the findings of the 2018 Chilean Report Card (RC) on Physical Activity (PA) for Children and Adolescents and compares the results with the first Chilean RC and with other countries from the ... -
2018: Investigación de árbol sagrado Rapa Nui
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2018-05-31)Las notas de prensa publicadas en El Mostrador y los portales de RedBioNova y Conaf recogen los avances en el estudio que reconstruye la historia genética de la última población de toromiros potencialmente puros provenientes ... -
3,7-Dimethylpentadecane: a Novel Sex Pheromone Component fromLeucoptera sinuella(Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae)
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2020)Leucoptera sinuellais a leaf-miner moth present in several regions in the world, which has been recently introduced into Chile. The larvae feed exclusively on the leaves of poplar and willow trees, and the damage caused ... -
3D Technology Development and Dental Education: What Topics Are Best Suited for 3D Learning Resources?
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2020)The aim of this study is to identify topics (knowledge and skills) from the dental curricula that would benefit from having a 3D learning resource using an exploratory sequential design method. The first phase targeted ... -
+A 5680-year tree-ring temperature record for southern South America
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2020)It is widely documented that the Earth's surface temperatures have increased in recent decades. However, temperature increment patterns are not uniform around the globe, showing different or even contrasting trends. Here ... -
A balancing act: how plants integrate nitrogen and water signals
(Oxford University Press, 2020-07-25)Nitrogen (N) and water (W) are crucial inputs for plant survival as well as costly resources for agriculture. Given their importance, the molecular mechanisms that plants rely on to signal changes in either N or W status ... -
A Carbohydrate Moiety of Secreted Stage-Specific Glycoprotein 4 Participates in Host Cell Invasion by Trypanosoma cruzi Extracellular Amastigotes
(FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2018)Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiologic agent of Chagas' disease. It is known that amastigotes derived from trypomastigotes in the extracellular milieu are infective in vitro and in vivo. Extracellular amastigotes (EAs) have a ... -
A case report of a primary synovial chondromatosis of temporomandibular joint, producing medial displacement of the articular disc.
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2014)Synovial chondromatosis in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a rare benign cartilaginous metaplasia characterized by the formation of loose bodies within the synovial joint space. This condition presents a specific triad ... -
A characterization for some type-2 fuzzy strong negations
(ELSEVIER, 2020)P. Hernandez et al. in 2014 established the axioms that an operation must fulfill in order to be a negation on a bounded poset (partially ordered set). In this work, we focus on the set L of the membership degrees of the ... -
A clinical predictive score for mood disorder risk in low-income primary care settings
(CIENCIAS, 2013)BACKGROUND: Despite availability of validated screening tests for mood disorders, busy general practitioners (GPs) often lack the time to use them routinely. This study aimed to develop a simplified clinical predictive ... -
A comparative performance analysis of total PSA, percentage free PSA, PSA velocity, and PSA density versus the detection of primary circulating prostate cells in predicting initial prostate biopsy findings in chilean men
(CIENCIAS, 2014)Introduction. PSA parameters have been used in an attempt to improve the diagnostic yield of prostate screening tests; the detection of primary malignant circulating prostate cells (CPCs) may improve the diagnostic yield ... -
A Comparison of Energy Efficiency Certification in Housing: A Study of the Chilean and Spanish Cases
(MDPI, 2019)Faced with implementing policies that seek to improve the energy efficiency of housing and reduce the impact of CO2 emissions, several countries are introducing (unilaterally or by international agreement) energy certification ... -
A country's response to tackling plastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems: The Chilean way
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2021)Marine plastic pollution is worse than expected, and we are starting to realize its full extent and severity. Solving the plastic pollution problem is not easy, as it requires the action and commitment of all sectors of ...