Papers publicados por CIFE
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Relación entre características antropométricas, autopercepción del índice de masa corporal, condición física y hábitos alimentarios en estudiantes universitarios de salud y educación
(SOC CHILENA NUTRICION, BROMATOLOGIA & TOXICOLOGIA, 2023-02)Introducción: La etapa universitaria es un período de modificación en los estilos de vida. Los estudiantes de carreras de pedagogía y de la salud, adicionalmente, asumirán un rol de guías y modelos respecto a conductas ... -
Macronutrient Intake Evolution in an Ecuadorian Urban Population 2014-2019
(KARGER, 2023-02)Sin resumen. -
Cardiopulmonary- versus neuromuscular-based high-intensity interval training during a pre-season in youth female basketball players
(University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw, 2023)Purpose. This study compares the effects of 6 weeks of pre-season cardiopulmonary- vs. neuromuscular-based high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in female basketball players’ physical fitness. Methods. Overall, 16 female ... -
Advances in Polyphenol Research from Chile: A Literature Review
(TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 2023-08-18)Certain countries have the privilege of diverse ecosystems that allow access to wide food availability. This fact carries an intrinsic diversity in bioactive compounds such as phytochemicals, especially polyphenols. The ... -
Is physical fitness related with in-game physical performance? A case study through local positioning system in professional basketball players
(SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD., 2023-09)The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between physical fitness and external load determined by local positioning system (LPS) in a simulated basketball game. Fourteen professional male basketball ... -
Effects of a specific injury prevention neuromuscular training program for young female dancers: A randomized-controlled trial
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023-03-04)To assess the effects of a specific injury prevention neuromuscular training programme (IPP) on balance and lower-limb asymmetry in female competitive dancers (age 12-20 years; height 1.57 +/- 0.06 m; weight 24.27 +/- 2.79 ... -
Nivel de actividad física en personas mayores chilenas que han sufrido caídas
(Sociedad Chilena de Nutrición, Bromatología y Toxicología, 2021-08)Background: Falls among older adults are associated with important changes in lifestyle. However, there is no evidence about the physical activity levels of older adults who have experienced falls. The aim of this study, ... -
Lactancia materna y su asociación con obesidad: Mecanismos que podrían explicar el rol protector en la infancia
(Sociedad Chilena de Nutrición, Bromatología y Toxicología, 2021-12)Introducción: La lactancia materna (LM) es un factor protector contra la obesidad infantil; sin embargo, los mecanismos a través de los cuales ejerce este efecto aún no están claros. El objetivo fue describir los mecanismos ... -
¿Cuál es la asociación entre actividad física, sedentarismo y riesgo de desarrollar cáncer en población adulta? Una revisión de la literatura
(Sociedad Chilena de Nutrición, Bromatología y Toxicología, 2021-04)La práctica regular de actividad física (AF) ha sido asociada a importantes beneficios metabólicos, como también a la disminución del riesgo de desarrollar algunos tipos de cáncer. El objetivo de esta revisión especial es ... -
Prevalencia de fragilidad en personas mayores de Chile: resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017
(SOC MEDICA SANTIAGO, 2020-10)Background: The assessment of frailty among older people could help to reduce its social and health burden. Aim: To determine and characterize the prevalence of frailty in Chilean older adults. Material and Methods: We ... -
Población total, fecundidad, migración y expectativa de vida: cambios a nivel mundial y Latinoamérica para el año 2100
(SOC MEDICA SANTIAGO, 2021-01)Sin resumen. -
Inclusión de la palabra la vejez en el CIE-11: una decisión controversial
(SOC MEDICA SANTIAGO, 2021-08)Sin resumen. -
Fitness cardiorrespiratorio estimado mediante ecuación y su caracterización sociodemográfica en población chilena: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017
(SOC MEDICA SANTIAGO, 2020-12)Background: Cardiorespiratory fitness is a strong predictor of mortality and chronic diseases. However, its estimation is costly and time consuming which may limit it broad use in population-based studies. Aim: To estimate ... -
Caracterización del consumo de legumbres en población chilena: resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017
(SOC MEDICA SANTIAGO, 2021-05)Background: Legumes are low cost and high-quality nutritional foods. In Chile, a twice per week legume consumption is recommended to promote health and prevent disease. Aim: To characterize the consumption of legumes ... -
Caracterización del consumo de agua en población chilena: resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017
(SOC MEDICA SANTIAGO, 2021-01)Background: Water is an essential nutrient for cellular homeostasis and life. Drinking >= 6 glasses (1.5 L/day) is the recommendation of daily water intake (RIAD). Aim: To characterize water intake, according to sociodemographic, ... -
Cáncer en Chile y en el mundo: una mirada actual y su futuro escenario epidemiológico
(SOC MEDICA SANTIAGO, 2020-10)Cancer is a chronic non-communicable disease associated with a high mortality burden. The prevalence of cancer is increasing rapidly worldwide. However, this scenario will be worse in low and middle-income countries such ... -
Association between fitness, anthropometric indices and laboratory parameters in elderly women
(SOC MEDICA SANTIAGO, 2020-12)Background: Aging causes an involution of anthropometric and health indices that can affect physical fitness. Aim: To determine the influence of anthropometric and health indices on the physical fitness of elderly women. ... -
Niveles de actividad física y tiempo sedente según ingreso económico en Chile: resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2021-10)Background: The Chilean population reports high levels of physical inactivity. The relationship between income level, physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviors is not well known. Aim: To describe the levels of PA and ... -
Modificación de estilos de vida de adolescentes chilenos durante el primer confinamiento por COVID-19
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2022-04)Background: Confinement is an effective measure to control COVID-19, but it can have repercussions on lifestyle-related behaviors, especially among adolescents. Poor quality diet and low physical activity could trigger ...