Now showing items 32-33 of 33

    • Ultra-high optical nonreciprocity with a coupled triple-resonator structure 

      Cao, Zhen; Xie, Yi Fei; He, Bing [Ctr Opt & Informac Cuant, Univ Mayor, Chile]; Lin, Qing (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2021)
      Optical transmission nonreciprocity as a widely investigated phenomenon is essential to various applications. Many sophisticated mechanisms have been proposed and tested for achieving the optical nonreciprocity on integrated ...
    • Weak-value amplification of photon-number operators in the optomechanical interaction 

      Orszag, Miguel [Univ Mayor, Santiago, Chile]; Carrasco, Sergio (AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2019)
      An experimental proposal is presented in which dark port postselection together with weak measurements are used to enlarge the radiation pressure effect of a single photon on a mechanical oscillator placed in the middle ...

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