Vista simple de metadatos

dc.contributorUniv Mayor, Fac Estudios Interdisciplinarios, Núcleo Idiomas, Temuco, Chilees
dc.contributor.authorLizama Pérez, Rodrigo
dc.contributor.authorVidal-Seguel, Nicolás
dc.contributor.authorPumeyrau Solar, Marcela
dc.contributor.authorMúñoz Cofré, Rodrigo
dc.contributor.authorConei, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorNicholson, Christopher [Univ Mayor, Fac Estudios Interdisciplinarios, Nucleo Idiomas, Temuco, Chile]
dc.contributor.authorVásquez, Bélgica
dc.identifier.citationPérez, R. L., Vidal-Seguel, N., Solar, M. P., Cofré, R. M., Conei, D., Nicholson, C., & Vásquez, B. (2020). Lobe or Lobule? An Explanation from the Etymological Origin: Proposal for Terminologia Anatomica. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, 38(4),
dc.identifier.issneISSN: 0717-9367
dc.identifier.otherWOS: 000549940300037
dc.identifier.otherScopus: 2-s2.0-85090732540
dc.description.abstractDuring the Renaissance anatomists laid the foundations for present day knowledge in this discipline. Not all anatomists however, were good linguists, which led to errors in translation and prompted discussions in reference to the correct use of certain anatomical terms. The controversial use of the terms lobe and lobule being one of these discrepancies. The objective of this study was to analyze the terms lobus and lobulus and propose a correct concept for the naming of anatomical structures following Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT) recommendations. A search was carried out for the terms lobe and lobule with their derivatives in Anatomical Terminology. Each term was analyzed from an etymological and semantic point of view according to the Medical -Biological, Historical and Etymological Dictionary, University of Salamanca. Terms derived from lobe and lobule can be found in a number of systems in the human body, characterizing this term as one of frequent use. In conclusion, the term lobe from the Latin lobus , originates from the Greek language, meaning the rounded structure and protrusion of an organ. Subsequently, Romans Latinized the term in order to reclassify it into medical language. Consequently, and in accordance to FITAP regulation, with Latin as the official language, the correct terms to use are lobus and
dc.format.extent6 p., PDFes
dc.publisherUniversidad de La Fronteraes
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chilees
dc.title¿Lobo o lóbulo? Una explicación desde el origen etimológico: propuesta para terminología anatómicaes
dc.title.alternativeLobe or Lobule? An Explanation from the Etymological Origin: Proposal for Terminologia Anatomicaes
dc.typeArtículo o Paperes
umayor.politicas.sherpa/romeoEsta obra está protegida bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial- SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)es
umayor.indexadoWeb of Sciencees
umayor.indicadores.scopus-(scimago-sjr)SCIMAGO/ INDICE H: 27 H
umayor.indicadores.scopus-(scimago-sjr)SJR 0.23

Vista simple de metadatos

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