Vista simple de metadatos

dc.contributorFacultad de Ciencias. Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónicaes
dc.contributor.advisorToro Caloguerea, Bernardo, prof. guíaes
dc.contributor.authorCarreño Gutiérrez, Jorge
dc.identifier.citationCarreño Gutiérrez, Jorge (2004). Sistema de control de ascensores por PLC. [Proyecto de título de pregrado; Universidad Mayor, Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica].
dc.descriptionProyecto de título para optar al título de Ingeniero de Ejecución Electró
dc.description.abstractThe Project "Sistema de Control de Ascensores por PLC", is aimed to optimize the equipment, from the technical and economical point of view that the company Serma Ascensores Limitada, offer to their clients. In this Project an alternative control based on an electronics technology is developed to substitute the actual unit, which has turned out to be very vulnerable. The main disadvantage of the current unit is its conception under relays and contactors architecture that has been working for a considerable period of time producing a natural wearing out. The developed control will allow a much more efficient administration in the control maintenance and repair in the case of failures. The contents of this Project has been structured in five chapters. In the Chapter I, Introduction, general antecedent and objectives of the Project are presented. Chapter II presents the description of the elevators, its current operations of the controls and the disadvantages of the current situation. In the Chapter the III, the proposed solution is developed. In the Chapter IV, the tests of functioning and implementation of the developed unit are analyzed. Finally, in Chapter V the conclusions and recommendations of the Project are
dc.format.extent116 p., PDFes
dc.publisherChile. Universidad Mayores
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chilees
dc.titleSistema de control de ascensores por PLCes
umayor.zcode.LocBiblioteca036 PRO 2004 C314ses
umayor.zcode.LocBodegaRML3 CJ00234es

Vista simple de metadatos

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
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