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dc.contributor.authorMaggi, Matias [Argentina. National University of Mar del Plata. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET)]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorAntunez, Karina [Uruguay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorInvernizzi, Ciro [Uruguay. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Ciencias]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorAldea, Patricia [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Centro Emprendimiento Apicola]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorVargas, Marisol [Chile. Universidad de Concepción]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorNegri, Pedro [Argentina. National University of Mar del Plata. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET)]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorBrasesco, Constanza [Argentina. National University of Mar del Plata. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET)]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorDe Jong, David [Brasil. Universidade de Sao Paulo]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorMessage, Dejair [Brasil. Universidad Federal de Semiarido]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorTeixeira, Erica Weinstein [Brasil. Agencia Paulista Tecnológica de Agronegocios]es_CL
dc.identifier.citationMaggi, M., Antunez, K., Invernizzi, C., Aldea, P., Vargas, M., Negri, P., . . . Eguaras, M. (2016). Honeybee health in South America. Apidologie, 47(6), 835-854. doi:10.1007/s13592-016-0445-7es_CL
dc.identifier.issnISSN 0044-8435es_CL
dc.identifier.issnESSN 1297-9678es_CL
dc.description.abstractHoneybees are essential components to modern agriculture and economy. However, a continuous increase in cases of colony losses and colony depopulation are being reported worldwide. This critical situation has put the fragile equilibrium between bees and plants on the edge. As a consequence, several scientists have begun to focus their lines of research on this issue. Most researchers agree that there is no single explanation for the observed colony losses. Instead, these losses result from a synergistic interaction between different stressors. South America is not the exception; several cases of colony losses and colony depopulation were reported by beekeepers throughout the continent, yet no accurate data has been published to date. Therefore, this article attempts to analyze the past and present situation of honeybee health in South America, specifically in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, and Venezuela. Furthermore, it is intended to serve as a comparison to future colony losses, as well as to provide guidance for future hypothesis-driven research on the causes of colony mortality. We evaluate the impact of the main parasites and pathogens affecting honeybee colonies and discuss the role of each with respect to reported honeybee losses. We also contemplate the main challenges that each nation must confront with regards to honeybee health.es_CL
dc.description.sponsorshipEste trabajo no contó con financiamiento.es_CL
dc.format.extentARTÍCULO ORIGINALes_CL
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chilees_CL
dc.titleHoneybee health in South Americaes_CL
dc.typeArtículo o Paperes_CL
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