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dc.contributorSociedad de Biología de Chilees_CL
dc.contributor.authorMunoz-Bergmann,Cristian A [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Centro de Genómica y Bioinformática]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorElola-López, Ana [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Centro de Genómica y Bioinformática]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorQuintana, Javiera [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Centro de Genómica y Bioinformática]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorSegovia,Cristopher [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Centro de Genómica y Bioinformática]es_CL
dc.contributor.authorTrombert, Annette N. [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Centro de Genómica y Bioinformática]es_CL
dc.identifier.citationBeltran Sebastian, Munoz-Bergmann Cristian A, Elola-Lopez Ana, Quintana Javiera, Segovia Cristopher, Trombert Annette N. The expression of heterologous MAM-7 in Lactobacillus rhamnosus reduces its intrinsic capacity to inhibit colonization of pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus in vitro. Biol. Res. [Internet]. 2016 [citado 2018 Ago 23] ; 49: 1-10. Disponible en:
dc.identifier.issnISSN 0716-9760es_CL
dc.description.abstractBACKGROUND: Vibrio parahaemolyticus (V. parahaemolyticus) is a Gram-negative, halophilic bacterium recognized as one of the most important foodborne pathogen. When ingested, V. parahaemolyticus causes a self-limiting illness (Vibriosis), characterized mainly by watery diarrhoea. Treatment is usually oral rehydration and/or antibiotics in complicated cases. Since 1996, the pathogenic and pandemic V. parahaemolyticus O3:K6 serotype has spread worldwide, increasing the reported number of vibriosis cases. Thus, the design of new strategies for pathogen control and illness prevention is necessary. Lactobacillus sp. grouped Gram positive innocuous bacteria, part of normal intestinal microbiota and usually used as oral vaccines for several diarrheic diseases. Recombinants strains of Lactobacillus (RL) expressing pathogen antigens can be used as part of an anti-adhesion strategy where RL block the pathogen union sites in host cells. Thus, we aimed to express MAM-7 V. parahaemolyticus adhesion protein in Lactobacillus sp. to generate an RL that prevents pathogen colonization. RESULTS: We cloned the MAM-7 gene from V. parahaemolyticus RIMD 2210633 in Lactobacillus expression vectors. Recombinant strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus pSEC- AM7 and L. rhamnosus pCWA-MAM7) adhered to CaCo-2 cells and competed with the pathogen. However, the L. rhamnosus wild type strain showed the best capacity to inhibit pathogen colonization in vitro. In addition, LDH-assay showed that recombinant strains were cytotoxic compared with the wild type isogenic strain. CONCLUSIONS: MAM-7 expression in lactobacilli reduces the intrinsic inhibitory capacity of L. rhamnosus against V. parahaemolyticuses_CL
dc.description.sponsorshipEste trabajo fue financiado por: FIDUM 100500 grant de Universidad Mayor (Chile).es_CL
dc.format.extentARTÍCULO ORIGINALes_CL
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chilees_CL
dc.titleThe expression of heterologous MAM-7 in Lactobacillus rhamnosus reduces its intrinsic capacity to inhibit colonization of pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus in vitro.es_CL
dc.typeArtículo o Paperes_CL
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