Highly efficient cooling of mechanical resonator with square pulse drives

He, Bing [Univ Mayor, Ctr Quantum Opt & Quantum Informat, Camino Piramide 5750, Huechuraba, Chile]
Lin, Qing
Ubicación geográfica
Ground state cooling of mechanical resonator is a way to generate macroscopic quantum states. Here we present a study of optomechanical cooling under the drive of square pulses without smooth profile. By illustrating the dynamical processes of cooling, we show how to choose the amplitudes and durations of square pulses, as well as the intervals between them, so that a mechanical resonator can be quickly cooled down to its ground state. Compared with the cooling under a continuous-wave drive field, the ground state cooling of a mechanical resonator can be performed more efficiently and flexibly by using square pulse drives. At certain times of such cooling process, the thermal phonon number under square pulse drives can become even lower than the theoretical limit for the cooling with a continuous-wave drive field of the same amplitude. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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