On sign-changeable interaction in FLRW cosmology

Arevalo, Fabiola [Univ Mayor, Nucleo Matemat Fis & Estadist, Fac Estudios Interdisciplinarios]
Cid, Antonella
Chimento, Luis P.
Mella, Patricio
Ubicación geográfica
We investigate an interacting two-fluid model in a spatially flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) Universe, when the energy transfer between these two dark components is produced by a factorizable nonlinear sign-changeable interaction depending linearly on the energy density and quadratically on the deceleration parameter. We solve the source equation and obtain the effective energy densities of the dark sector and their components. We show that the effective equation of state of the dark sector includes some of the several kinds of Chaplygin gas equations of state as well as a generalization of the polytropic equation of state. We use Bayesian statistics methods to constrain free parameters in the models during the most recent evolution considering supernovae type Ia and measurements of the Hubble expansion rate. The resulting constraints provide new information on sign-changeable interactions, its equivalences and compatibility with previous models and novel late time universe dynamics.
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