Anthropometry Among Non-sedentary Elderly Tendency Analysis Of Adiposity Over Three Decades
Matsudo, Sandra M. [Univ Mayor, Santiago, Chile]
da Silva Junior, Joao
Mancini, Rafael Benito
Beltran, Carolina González
Ferrari, Tatiane Kosimenko
Araujo, Timoteo Leandro
Guedes, Joséda Silva
Matsudo, Víctor K.
Ubicación geográfica
PURPOSE: To analyze the adiposity tendency of non-sedentary elderly women over three decades. METHODS: The study is part of the Mixed Longitudinal Project of Physical Fitness and Aging of SCS. Sample comprised female subjects, 50 years-old and older, involved in a PA program totalizing 6367 individuals. It was measured subscapular, tricipital and suprailiac skinfold, To analyze the trend, the sample was divided into age groups: 50 to 59 years, 60 to 69 years and 70 years and over. STATISTICAL Analysis: Polynomial regression models were estimated. In the modeling process, the mean of each one of the anthropometric variables was considered as dependent variable Y) and the years of evaluation as independent variable (X). For each anthropometric variable, the model that presented the highest statistical significance (p) and the best accuracy measure (r2) was selected. The trend was considered significant when the estimated model obtained p <0.05. RESULTS: Triceps skinfold presented a negative trend over the three decades analyzed. In the age group of 50 to 59 years, the mean triceps skinfold decreased .01 mm every year. In the age group of 60 to 69 years, there was a decrease of .09 mm every year. In the age group of 70 years and over, the mean decreased of .16 mm. Subscapular and suprailiac and 3 skinfolds mean increased .01 mm every year in the three age groups analyzed. In the age group of 60 to 69 years, the mean of 3 skinfolds increased .01 mm. In the age group of 70 years and over, the
subscapular mean increased of .16 mm in each year; while suprailiac presented an increase of .01 mm every year; and the 3 skinfold meand] increased of .01 mm every year. CONCLUSION: Elderly women of all age groups showed a tendency to increase central adiposity and decrease the peripheral region, suggesting that a centripetal fat redistribution occurs with aging.
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