Browsing Papers publicados por CEAS by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
Big shoes for a lady: el techo de cristal en una filial con política de diversidad
(Asociación de Directivos Superiores de Administración, Negocios o Empresariales de Chile A.G., 2017)En los últimos años se ha observado un avance en la carrera de mujeres profesionales por medio del uso de cuotas, regulaciones y acciones afirmativas, sin embargo, la proporción de mujeres en roles ejecutivos continúa ... -
Understanding time use via data mining: A clustering-based framework
(IOS PRESS, 2018)In this work, a data mining framework is proposed to improve the understanding of how people allocate their time. Using a multivariate approach, we performed a clustering procedure, and subsequently a regression analysis ... -
Varieties of Capitalism and its Contributions to the Study of Development in Latin America
(CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION Y DOCENCIA ECONOMICAS, 2018)The literature on varieties of capitalism has significantly advanced the research on comparative political economy globally. In Latin America, this has been cited increasingly as a way to understand the development problems ... -
Variedades de capitalismo y sus contribuciones al estudio del desarrollo en América Latina
(División de Estudios Políticos del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), 2018-07)La literatura sobre variedades de capitalismo ha impulsado significativamente la investigación en economía política comparada a nivel global, y ha ido en aumento en América Latina como una manera de comprender los problemas ... -
Reseña del libro: Desarrollo y desigualdad en Chile (1850-2009): historia de su economía política, de Javier Rodríguez Weber
(Wiley, 2018-07)This book challenges the linearity of economic analysis in two important aspects. In thefirst place, in economics, historical series are usually de-seasonalized using specializedfilters that try to extract short-term events ... -
Note from the editors: Is there a Latin American economic sociology?
(Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2018-11)Sin resumen. -
Legalism and creativity: tax non-compliance in the eyes of the economic elite
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2019)This paper analyzes elite tax compliance from a sociological perspective in order to examine how different tax behaviors are justified or how they embody different taxpayers' subjectivities. Drawing from the case of Chile ... -
Business Power and the Minimal State: The Defeat of Industrial Policy in Chile
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2019)Chile has maintained a limited industrial policy for nearly three decades. Policy resilience during the 2000s and 2010s is especially puzzling given the political and economic context: three Socialist-led administrations; ... -
From 'Green Laggard' to Regional Leader: Explaining the Recent Development of Environmental Policy in Chile
(WILEY, 2019)Environmental policy in Chile has developed rapidly in recent years, and the country has become a regional leader in renewable energy, climate change policy, recycling, and nature conservation. This contrasts with the ... -
Guest Editorial: Local labour markets, migration, and innovation
(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2019)Sin resumen -
Are foreign-born researchers more innovative? Self-selection and the production of knowledge among PhD recipients in the USA
(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2019)When analyzing knowledge production, the evidence suggests that within the USA, foreign-born researchers exhibit more productivity than their domestic counterparts. Previous literature indicates that productivity differences ... -
Do Young People Adapt Their Prosocial Behaviour to That of Their Peers? An Experimental Exploration
(SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2019)Moral decisions - that is, decisions that consider the consequences for the welfare of others - can be highly inconsistent across contexts. Here, we explore whether the altruism of young people is related to their willingness ... -
Cruzando fronteras : the contribution of a decolonial feminism in organization studies
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to introduce decolonial feminist theorizing to the field of organizational history to explore issues of historical revisionism, hierarchy, power, and coloniality. This paper is a theoretical ... -
Verticalización inmobiliaria y valorización de renta de suelo por infraestructura pública: un análisis econométrico del Gran Santiago, 2008-2011
(PONTIFICIA UNIV CATOLICA CHILE, INST ESTUDIOS URBANOS TERRITORIALES, 2019)Investments in public infrastructure and land upzoning aimed to high-rise redevelopment are both factors that considerably increase ground rent values in the city. Drawing on a dataset of new departments sold between 2008 ... -
Top Incomes in Chile: A Historical Perspective on Income Inequality, 1964-2017
(WILEY, 2019)We present a novel series of Chilean top-income shares covering half a century, mainly based on income-tax declarations and the National Accounts. Such a time frame of analysis is still rare in the literature of developing ... -
The racialization of immigrants in Canada - a historical investigation how race still matters
(EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD, 2019)Purpose This paper aims to investigate the discursive ways in which racialization affects the integration process of immigrants in present-day Canada. By drawing on a historical analysis, this paper shows how race continues ... -
Construction and validation of an international reputation index: the European case
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to create an index to measure the reputation of countries that belong to the European Union. Data for 28 countries has been taken from the Eurostat database and the method used is principal ... -
State of health in the European Union: A European Health Index
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2019)Introduction: In this paper we propose an index to measure the state of health of the 28 countries of the European Union. Material and methods: Using the Principal Components Analysis method, we construct the European ...