Browsing Papers publicados por CEAS by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
A performance index of football teams: the Spanish case
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2021)In this article, we propose an index to measure the performance of the Spanish Football league most important teams during the 2016/2017 season. Using data from 10 Spanish first division football clubs, and principal ... -
Agriculture 4.0? Studying the evidence for automation in Chilean agriculture
(PONTIFICIA UNIV CATOLICA CHILE, FAC AGRONOMIA INGENIERIA FORESTAL, 2021-12)In recent decades, computing based technologies have been large contributors to the current digital and knowledge economy. This process has led to changes in the structure of employment and variations in relative wages ... -
Are foreign-born researchers more innovative? Self-selection and the production of knowledge among PhD recipients in the USA
(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2019)When analyzing knowledge production, the evidence suggests that within the USA, foreign-born researchers exhibit more productivity than their domestic counterparts. Previous literature indicates that productivity differences ... -
Assédio moral no trabalho e saúde mental em trabalhadores chilenos: o papel do gênero
(CADERNOS SAUDE PUBLICA, 2021-04-16)O assédio moral no trabalho ganhou relevância nas últimas décadas devido à sua crescente magnitude e às consequências negativas sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores, sendo que existem diversos enfoques para estudá-la. Entretanto, ... -
Big shoes for a lady: el techo de cristal en una filial con política de diversidad
(Asociación de Directivos Superiores de Administración, Negocios o Empresariales de Chile A.G., 2017)En los últimos años se ha observado un avance en la carrera de mujeres profesionales por medio del uso de cuotas, regulaciones y acciones afirmativas, sin embargo, la proporción de mujeres en roles ejecutivos continúa ... -
Business Power and the Minimal State: The Defeat of Industrial Policy in Chile
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2019)Chile has maintained a limited industrial policy for nearly three decades. Policy resilience during the 2000s and 2010s is especially puzzling given the political and economic context: three Socialist-led administrations; ... -
Concentration of human capital, externalities and the wage gap in US metro areas
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2020-11)The effects of the concentration of human capital on wages and productivity have been widely studied, but despite their heterogeneity, little attention has been paid to its effects on the wage gap. This paper assesses the ... -
Construction and validation of an international reputation index: the European case
(Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to create an index to measure the reputation of countries that belong to the European Union. Data for 28 countries has been taken from the Eurostat database and the method used is principal ... -
Contingent Coalitions in Environmental Policymaking: How Civil Society Organizations Influenced the Chilean Renewable Energy Boom
(Wiley, 2020-08)This article analyzes the role of social movements and environmental organizations in crafting contingent coalitions to advance renewable energies in Chile. Until recently, Chile presented several conditions predicting the ... -
La continuidad del neoliberalismo en Chile: Ideas, instituciones e intereses
(Universidade de Brasília. Departamento de Estudos Latino-Americanos (ELA), 2019-04)Desde la aplicación de la terapia de shock dirigida por Augusto Pinochet y sus Chicago Boys, Chile se transformó en un caso ejemplar para el estudio del neoliberalismo. A pesar de las correcciones introducidas a partir del ... -
Cruzando fronteras : the contribution of a decolonial feminism in organization studies
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to introduce decolonial feminist theorizing to the field of organizational history to explore issues of historical revisionism, hierarchy, power, and coloniality. This paper is a theoretical ... -
Do Young People Adapt Their Prosocial Behaviour to That of Their Peers? An Experimental Exploration
(SAGE Publications, 2019-04)Moral decisions – that is, decisions that consider the consequences for the welfare of others – can be highly inconsistent across contexts. Here, we explore whether the altruism of young people is related to their willingness ... -
Do Young People Adapt Their Prosocial Behaviour to That of Their Peers? An Experimental Exploration
(SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2019)Moral decisions - that is, decisions that consider the consequences for the welfare of others - can be highly inconsistent across contexts. Here, we explore whether the altruism of young people is related to their willingness ... -
Editorial: Food consumption disparities, public health and sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean
(FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2023-02-23)Sin resumen. -
Empathy and socially responsible consumption: an experiment with the vote-with-the-wallet game
(SPRINGER, 2020-11)We study by means of a laboratory experiment the role of individuals' empathy in the Vote-with-the-Wallet Game. Our main purpose is to analyze the impact of the ability to empathize on participants' behavior when asked to ... -
(UNIV CONCEPCION, CAMPUS CHILLAN, 2023-10-08)El empleo rural de América Latina se ha mantenido históricamente en una situación desfavorable respecto de las áreas urbanas. Mientras los ingresos de los habitantes rurales son inferiores, el trabajo por cuenta propia, ... -
From 'Green Laggard' to Regional Leader: Explaining the Recent Development of Environmental Policy in Chile
(WILEY, 2019)Environmental policy in Chile has developed rapidly in recent years, and the country has become a regional leader in renewable energy, climate change policy, recycling, and nature conservation. This contrasts with the ... -
Guest Editorial: Local labour markets, migration, and innovation
(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2019)Sin resumen -
Legalism and creativity: tax non-compliance in the eyes of the economic elite
(ROUTLEDGE, 2019-01)This paper analyzes elite tax compliance from a sociological perspective in order to examine how different tax behaviors are justified or how they embody different taxpayers' subjectivities. Drawing from the case of Chile ...