• GERO Cohort Protocol, Chile, 2017-2022: Community-based Cohort of Functional Decline in Subjective Cognitive Complaint elderly 

      Slachevsky, Andrea; Zitko, Pedro; Martínez-Pernia, David; Forno, Gonzalo; Court, Felipe A. [Univ Mayor, Fac Sci, Ctr Integrat Biol, Chile]; Lillo, Patricia; Villagra, Roque; Durán-Aniotz, Claudia; Parrao, Teresa; Assar, Rodrigo; Orellana, Paulina; Toledo, Carolina; Rivera, Rodrigo; Ibañez, Agustín; Parra, Mario A.; Gonzalez-Billault, Christian; Amieva, Helena; Thumala, Daniela (BioMed Central Ltd., 2020-12)
      BackgroundWith the global population aging and life expectancy increasing, dementia has turned a priority in the health care system. In Chile, dementia is one of the most important causes of disability in the elderly and ...
    • Giant mandibular bone defect: Report of a case 

      Sindermann, D. B [Chile. Universidad Mayor]; Rondanelli, B. M. [Chile. Universidad Mayor] (CIENCIAS, 2006)
      In 1942 Edward Stafne1 described a series of 35 cases of asymptomatic radiolucent bone cavities next to the mandibular angle. The cavities seemed to be spheric.PERIHUEICO or elliptic monolocular radiolucencies, well defined, ...
    • Ginecomastia y pseudoginecomastia: Tratamiento 

      Cabello P, Rodrigo [Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile]; Israel, Guillermo, V. [Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile]; Calderón M, Daniel [Chile. Universidad Mayor] (CIENCIAS, 2009)
      La Ginecomastia, mamas femeninas, es la anomalía más frecuente en el sexo masculino. La pseudoginecomastia es un cuadro que a menudo se confunde con la ginecomastia y consiste en el aumento de tejido graso en la región ...
    • Gingival Crevicular Fluid Zinc- and Aspartyl-Binding Protease Profile of Individuals with Moderate/Severe Atopic Dermatitis 

      Valenzuela, Fernando; Fernández, Javier; Aroca, Marcela; Jiménez, Constanza; Albers Busquetts, Daniela [Univ Mayor, Dept Stat, Fac Dent, Chile]; Hernández, Marcela; Fernández, Alejandra (Chile. Universidad Mayor, 2020)
      Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a protease-modulated chronic disorder with heterogenous clinical manifestations which may lead to an imprecise diagnosis. To date, there are no diagnostic protease tests for AD. We explored the ...
    • Gingival Crevicular Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Is an Early Pregnancy Biomarker for Pre-Eclampsia 

      Chaparro, Alejandra; Monckeberg, Maximiliano; Realini, Ornella; Hernández, Marcela; Param, Fernanda; Ramírez, Valeria; Kusanovic, Juan; Romero, Roberto; Rice, Gregory; Illanes, Sebastian E.; Albers, Daniela [Univ Mayor, Fac Dent, Dept Stat, Chile] (MDPI, 2021-05-13)
      Early and innovative diagnostic strategies are required to predict the risk of developing pre-eclampsia (PE). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) placental alkaline ...
    • Gingival metastasis from a testicular choriocarcinoma: An unusual case report and review of the literature. 

      Aguilar, Leonardo [Universidad de Chile]; Pastrian, Juan [Universidad de Chile]; Mebus, Cristina [Universidad de Chile]; Martínez, Benjamín [Chile. Universidad Mayor] (CIENCIAS, 2013)
      Los tumores metastásicos a la cavidad bucal son lesiones extremadamente raras que representan el 1% de todas las neoplasias malignas bucales y maxilofaciales. La mayoría de los casos reportados afectan más a los huesos ...
    • Global ecological predictors of the soil priming effect 

      Abades, Sebastián [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm]; Bowker, Matthew A. [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm]; Bastida, Felipe; Bastidal, Felipe; Garcia, Carlos; Fierer, Noah; Eldridge, David J.; Alfaro, Fernando D.; Berhe, Asmeret Asefaw; Cutler, Nick A.; Gallardo, Antonio; Garcia-Velazquez, Laura; Hart, Stephen C.; Hayese, Patrick E.; Hernández, Teresa; Hseu, Zeng-Yei; Jehmlich, Nico; Kirchmair, Martin; Lambers, Hans; Neuhauser, Sigrid; Pena-Ramírez, Víctor M.; Pérez, Cecilia A.; Reed, Sasha C.; Santos, Fernanda; Siebe, Christina; Sullivan, Benjamin W.; Trivedi, Pankaj; Vera, Alfonso; Williams, Mark A.; Moreno, JoséLuis; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2019)
      Identifying the global drivers of soil priming is essential to understanding C cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. We conducted a survey of soils across 86 globally-distributed locations, spanning a wide range of climates, ...
    • Global homogenization of the structure and function in the soil microbiome of urban greenspaces 

      Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Eldridge, David J.; Liu, Yu-Rong; Sokoya, Blessing; Wang, Jun-Tao; Hu, Hang-Wei; He, Ji-Zheng; Bastida, Felipe; Moreno, José L.; Bamigboye, Adebola R.; Blanco-Pastor, José L.; Cano-Diaz, Concha; Illan, Javier G.; Makhalanyane, Thulani P.; Siebe, Christina; Trivedi, Pankaj; Zaady, Eli; Verma, Jay Prakash; Wang, Ling; Wang, Jianyong; Grebenc, Tine; Peñaloza-Bojaca, Gabriel F.; Nahberger, Tina U.; Teixido, Alberto L.; Zhou, Xin-Quan; Berdugo, Miguel; Durán, Jorge; Rodríguez, Alexandra; Zhou, Xiaobing; Alfaro, Fernando [Univ Mayor, Fac Interdisciplinary Studies, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm, Chile]; Abades, Sebastián; Plaza, Cesar; Rey, Ana; Singh, Brajesh K.; Tedersoo, Leho; Fierer, Noah (AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE, 2021-07)
      The structure and function of the soil microbiome of urban greenspaces remain largely undetermined. We conducted a global field survey in urban greenspaces and neighboring natural ecosystems across 56 cities from six ...
    • Global phylogeography and ancient evolution of the widespread human gut virus crAssphage 

      Trefault, Nicole [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm, Huechuraba, Chile]; Edwards, Robert A.; Vega, Alejandro A.; Norman, Holly M.; Ohaeri, Maria; Levi, Kyle; Dinsdale, Elizabeth A.; Cinek, Ondrej; Aziz, Ramy K.; McNair, Katelyn; Barr, Jeremy J.; Bibby, Kyle; Brouns, Stan J. J.; Cazares, Adrian; de Jonge, Patrick A.; Desnues, Christelle; Díaz Muñoz, Samuel L.; Fineran, Peter C.; Kurilshikov, Alexander; Lavigne, Rob; Mazankova, Karla; McCarthy, David T.; Nobrega, Franklin L.; Reyes Muñoz, Alejandro; Tapia, German; Trefault, Nicole; Tyakht, Alexander, V; Vinuesa, Pablo; Wagemans, Jeroen; Zhernakova, Alexandra; Aarestrup, Frank M.; Ahmadov, Gunduz; Alassaf, Abeer; Anton, Josefa; Asangba, Abigail; Billings, Emma K.; Cantu, Vito Adrian; Carlton, Jane M.; Cazares, Daniel; Cho, Gyu-Sung; Condeff, Tess; Cortés, Pilar; Cranfield, Mike; Cuevas, Daniel A.; De la Iglesia, Rodrigo; Decewicz, Przemyslaw; Doane, Michael P.; Dominy, Nathaniel J.; Dziewit, Lukasz; Elwasila, Bashir Mukhtar; Murat Eren, A.; Franz, Charles; Fu, Jingyuan; Garcia-Aljaro, Cristina; Ghedin, Elodie; Gulino, Kristen M.; Haggerty, John M.; Head, Steven R.; Hendriksen, Rene S.; Hill, Colin; Hyoty, Heikki; Ilina, Elena N.; Irwin, Mitchell T.; Jeffries, Thomas C.; Jofre, Juan; Junge, Randall E.; Kelley, Scott T.; Mirzaei, Mohammadali Khan; Kowalewski, Martin; Kumaresan, Deepak; Leigh, Steven R.; Lipson, David; Lisitsyna, Eugenia S.; Llagostera, Montserrat; Maritz, Julia M.; Marr, Linsey C.; McCann, Angela; Molshanski-Mor, Shahar; Monteiro, Silvia; Moreira-Grez, Benjamin; Morris, Megan; Mugisha, Lawrence; Muniesa, Maite; Neve, Horst; Nam-phuong Nguyen; Nigro, Olivia D.; Nilsson, Anders S.; O'Connell, Taylor; Odeh, Rasha; Oliver, Andrew; Piuri, Mariana; Prussin, Aaron J., II; Qimron, Udi; Quan, Zhe-Xue; Rainetova, Petra; Ramírez-Rojas, Adan; Raya, Raul; Reasor, Kim; Rice, Gillian A. O.; Rossi, Alessandro; Santos, Ricardo; Shimashita, John; Stachler, Elyse N.; Stene, Lars C.; Strain, Ronan; Stumpf, Rebecca; Torres, Pedro J.; Twaddle, Alan; Ibekwe, MaryAnn Ugochi; Villagra, Nicolás; Wandro, Stephen; White, Bryan; Whiteley, Andy; Whiteson, Katrine L.; Wijmenga, Cisca; Zambrano, María M.; Zschach, Henrike; Dutilh, Bas E. (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2019)
      Microbiomes are vast communities of microorganisms and viruses that populate all natural ecosystems. Viruses have been considered to be the most variable component of microbiomes, as supported by virome surveys and examples ...
    • Global phylogeography and genetic diversity of the long-finned pilot whale Globicephala melas, with new data from the southeastern Pacific 

      Kraft, Sebastián; Pérez-Alvarez, M. José [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Escuela Med Vet, Chile]; Olavarria, Carlos; Poulin, Elie (Nature Publishing Group, 2020-02)
      The matrilineal long-finned pilot whale presents an antitropical distribution and is divided into two subspecies, one in the temperate seas of the Southern Hemisphere and the other restricted to the North Atlantic and ...
    • Gluconeogenic Enzymes in beta-Cells: Pharmacological Targets for Improving Insulin Secretion 

      Gatica, Rodrigo [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Escuela Vet]; Westermeier, Francisco; Holyoak, Todd; Asenjo, Joel L.; Nualart, Francisco; Burbulis, Ian; Bertinat, Romina (ELSEVIER SCIENCE LONDON, 2019)
      Pancreatic beta-cells express the gluconeogenic enzymes glucose 6-phosphatase (G6Pase), fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBP), and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase (PCK), which modulate glucose-stimulated insulin secretion ...
    • Gobierno de la supervisión y riesgo de captura en la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero tras la Ley Nº 21.000 

      Villablanca Cerda, Lusitania [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Escuela de Derecho] (Universidad de Talca, 2020-04)
      Este texto analiza la Ley Nº 21.000 que creó la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero, dando vida a una nueva institucionalidad para la regulación de este, en remplazo de la Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros. El principal ...
    • Gradient sperm selection for reproductive techniques in cattle: Is Isolate a suitable replacement for Percoll? 

      Sepúlveda, B. [Univ Mayor, Fac Med, Sch Obstet & Childcare, Temuco, Chile]; Arias, M. E.; Aguila, L.; Zambrano, F.; Sánchez, R.; Felmer, R. (WILEY, 2018)
      In assisted reproductive techniques, it is essential to perform a sperm selection to obtain spermatozoa with high motility and membrane integrity for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and high-DNA integrity for intracytoplasmic ...
    • Gramáticas de vida: el censo de 1907 y la población como uso de gobierno 

      Yuing Alfaro, Tuillang [Chile. Universidad Mayor] (CIENCIAS, 2013)
      Este artículo, a partir del censo oficial chileno de 1907 y constatando inexactitudes cuantitativas, pasa revista al ejercicio de la categoría de población y el desmedro en este uso, de la realidad india, poniendo énfasis ...
    • Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots as the Support for the Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles and Their Applications as New Catalysts for the Decomposition of Composite Solid Propellants 

      Melo, Juan P.[Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr Nanotecnol Aplicada]; Ríos, Paulina L. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr Nanotecnol Aplicada]; Morales-Verdejo, César. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr Nanotecnol Aplicada]; Camarada, María Belén [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr Nanotecnol Aplicada]; Povea, Paula (AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2018)
      Graphene oxide quantum dot (GOQD) and reduced GOOD (rGOQD) were synthetized using a simple and straight methodology based on an oxidative treatment and sonication. GOQD and rGOQD were used as supporting agents for the in ...
    • Green Cover And Socioemotional And Academic Outcomes Of School Age Children. The Case Of Santiago, Chile 

      Perez-Silva, Rodrigo; Fernandez, Ignacio C.; Matas, María Isabel (2023)
    • Green Edge ice camp campaigns: understanding the processes controlling the under-ice Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom 

      Ribeiro, Catherine Gerikas [Univ Mayor, Fac Sci, GEMA Ctr Gen Ecol & Environm]; Massicotte, Philippe; Amiraux, Remi; Amyot, Marie-Pier; Archambault, Philippe; Ardyna, Mathieu; Arnaud, Laurent; Artigue, Lise; Aubry, Cyril; Ayotte, Pierre; Becu, Guislain; Belanger, Simon; Benner, Ronald; Bittig, Henry C.; Bricaud, Annick; Brossier, Eric; Bruyant, Flavienne; Chauvaud, Laurent; Christiansen-Stowe, Debra; Claustre, Herve; Cornet-Barthaux, Veronique; Coupel, Pierre; Cox, Christine; Delaforge, Aurelie; Dezutter, Thibaud; Dimier, Celine; Domine, Florent; Dufour, Francis; Dufresne, Christiane; Dumont, Dany; Ehn, Jens; Else, Brent; Ferland, Joannie; Forget, Marie-Helene; Fortier, Louis; Gali, Marti; Galindo, Virginie; Gallinari, Morgane; Garcia, Nicole; Ribeiro, Catherine Gerikas; Gourdal, Margaux; Gourvil, Priscilla; Goyens, Clemence; Grondin, Pierre-Luc; Guillot, Pascal; Guilmette, Caroline; Houssais, Marie-Noelle; Joux, Fabien; Lacour, Leo; Lacour, Thomas; Lafond, Augustin; Lagunas, Jose; Lalande, Catherine; Laliberte, Julien; Lambert-Girard, Simon; Lariviere, Jade; Lavaud, Johann; LeBaron, Anita; Leblanc, Karine; Le Gall, Florence; Legras, Justine; Lemire, Melanie; Levasseur, Maurice; Leymarie, Edouard; Leynaert, Aude; dos Santos, Adriana Lopes; Lourenco, Antonio; Mah, David; Marec, Claudie; Marie, Dominique; Martin, Nicolás; Marty, Constance; Marty, Sabine; Masse, Guillaume; Matsuoka, Atsushi; Matthes, Lisa; Moriceau, Brivaela; Muller, Pierre-Emmanuel; Mundy, Christopher-John; Neukermans, Griet; Oziel, Laurent; Panagiotopoulos, Christos; Pangrazi, Jean-Jacques; Picard, Ghislain; Picheral, Marc; du Sel, France Pinczon; Pogorzelec, Nicole; Probert, Ian; Queguiner, Bernard; Raimbault, Patrick; Ras, Josephine; Rehm, Eric; Reimer, Erin; Rontani, Jean-Francois; Rysgaard, Soren; Saint-Beat, Blanche; Sampei, Makoto; Sansoulet, Julie; Schmechtig, Catherine; Schmidt, Sabine; Sempere, Richard; Sevigny, Caroline; Shen, Yuan; Tragin, Margot; Tremblay, Jean-Eric; Vaulot, Daniel; Verin, Gauthier; Vivier, Frederic; Vladoiu, Anda; Whitehead, Jeremy; Babin, Marcel (COPERNICUS GESELLSCHAFT MBH, 2020)
      The Green Edge initiative was developed to investigate the processes controlling the primary productivity and fate of organic matter produced during the Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom (PSB) and to determine its role in ...
    • Ground-state cooling of a nanomechanical oscillator with N spins 

      Coto, Raúl [Univ Mayor, Santiago, Chile]; Orszag, Miguel [Univ Mayor, Santiago, Chile]; Montenegro, Victor; Eremeev, Vitalie (AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2018)
      It is typical of modern quantum technologies employing nanomechanical oscillators to demand few mechanical quantum excitations, for instance, to prolong coherence times of a particular task or to engineer a specific ...

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