A dynamic portal for a community-driven, continuously updated classification of Fungi and fungus-like organisms: outlineoffungi.org
Madrid, H. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr Genom & Bioinformat, Chile]
Wijayawardene, N. N.; Hyde, K. D.; Dai, D. Q.; Tang, L. Z.; Aptroot, A.; Castaneda-Ruiz, R. F.; Druzhinina, I. S.; Cai, F.; Ekanayaka, A. H.; Erdogdu, M.; Fiuza, P. O.; Gentekaki, E.; Goto, B. T.; Haelewaters, D.; Hongsanan, S.; Jeewon, R.; Kirk, P. M.; Jayalal, R. G. U.; Karunarathna, S. C.; Wanasinghe, D. N.; Lumbsch, H. T.; Maharachchikumbura, S. S. N.; Monteiro, J. S.; Shivaprakash, N.; Pfliegler, W. P.; Phillips, A. J. L.; Saxena, R. K.; Stadler, M.; Tian, Q.; Tokarev, Y. S.; Tsurykau, A.; Ertz, D.; Lee, H. B.; Etayo, J.; Vizzini, A.; Jones, E. B. G.; Lin, C. G.; Li, W. J.; Dai, Y. C.; Fan, X. L.; McKenzie, E. H. C.; Shivas, R. G.; Hustad, V.; Leontyev, D., V.; de Hoog, G. S.; Niskanen, T.; Boekhout, T.; Gaya, E.; Thines, M.
Ubicación geográfica
The website http://outlineoffungi.org, is launched to provide a continuous up-to-date classification of the kingdom Fungi (including fossil fungi) and fungus-like taxa. This is based on recent publications and on the outline of fungi and fungus-like taxa published recently (Mycosphere 11, 1060-1456, Doi: 10.5943/mycosphere/11/1/8). The website is continuously updated according to latest classification schemes, and will present an important platform for researchers, industries, government officials and other users. Users can provide input about missing genera, new genera, and new data. They will also have the opportunity to express their opinions on classifications with notes published in the 'Notes' section of the webpage following review and editing by the curators and independent experts. The website will provide a system to stay abreast of the continuous changes in fungal classification and provide a general consensus on the systematics of fungi.
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