• Fungal Planet description sheets: 320-370 

      Wingfield, Michael J. [Sudáfrica. University of Pretoria]; Guarro, J. [España. Universitat Rovira i Virgili]; Madrid, H. [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Centro de Genómica y Bioinformática] (CIENCIAS, 2015)
      Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Malaysia: Castanediella eucalypti from Eucalyptus pellita, Codinaea acacia from Acacia mangium, Emarcea eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus brassiana, ...
    • Fungal planet description sheets: 558-624 

      Crous P.W., Wingfield M.J., Burgess T.I., St. J. Hardy G.E., Barber P.A., Alvarado P., Barnes C.W., Buchanan P.K., Heykoop M., Moreno G., Thangavel R., Van Der Spuy S., Barili A., Barrett S., Cacciola S.O., Cano-Lira J.F., Crane C., Decock C., Gibertoni T.B., Guarro J., Guevara-Suarez M., Hubka V., Kolařík M., Lira C.R.S., Ordoñez M.E., Padamsee M., Ryvarden L., Soares A.M., Stchigel A.M., Sutton D.A., Vizzini A., Weir B.S., Acharya K., Aloi F., Baseia I.G., Blanchette R.A., Bordallo J.J., Bratek Z., Butler T., Cano-Canals J., Carlavilla J.R., Chander J., Cheewangkoon R., Cruz R.H.S.F., Da Silva M., Dutta A.K., Ercole E., Escobio V., Esteve-Raventós F., Flores J.A., Gené J., Góis J.S., Haines L., Held B.W., Horta Jung M., Hosaka K., Jung T., Jurjević Ž., Kautman V., Kautmanova I., Kiyashko A.A., Kozanek M., Kubátová A., Lafourcade M., La Spada F., Latha K.P.D., Madrid H., Malysheva E.F., Manimohan P., Manjón J.L., Martín M.P., Mata M., Merényi Z., Morte A., Nagy I., Normand A.-C., Paloi S., Pattison N., Pawłowska J., Pereira O.L., Petterson M.E., Picillo B., Raj K.N.A., Roberts A., Rodríguez A., Rodríguez-Campo F.J., Romański M., Ruszkiewicz-Michalska M., Scanu B., Schena L., Semelbauer M., Sharma R., Shouche Y.S., Staniaszek-Kik M., Stielow J.B., Tapia C., Taylor P.W.J., Toome-Heller M., Vabeikhokhei J.M.C., Van Diepeningen A.D., Van Hoa N., Van Tri M., Wiederhold N.P., Wrzosek M., Zothanzama J., Groenewald J.Z.; Silva, V. [Escuela de Tecnología Médica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Mayor, Chile] (National Herbarium Nederland, 2017)
      Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Banksiophoma australiensis (incl. Banksiophoma gen. nov.) on Banksia coccinea, Davidiellomyces australiensis (incl. ...
    • Fungal planet description sheets: 716–784 

      Crous P.W., Wingfield M.J., Burgess T.I., Hardy G.E.S.J., Gené J., Guarro J., Baseia I.G., García D., Gusmão L.F.P., Souza-Motta C.M., Thangavel R., Adamčík S., Barili A., Barnes C.W., Bezerra J.D.P., Bordallo J.J., Cano-Lira J.F., de Oliveira R.J.V., Ercole E., Hubka V., Iturrieta-González I., Kubátová A., Martín M.P., Moreau P.-A., Morte A., Ordoñez M.E., Rodríguez A., Stchigel A.M., Vizzini A., Abdollahzadeh J., Abreu V.P., Adamčíková K., Albuquerque G.M.R., Alexandrova A.V., Duarte E.Á., Armstrong-Cho C., Banniza S., Barbosa R.N., Bellanger J.-M., Bezerra J.L., Cabral T.S., Caboň M., Caicedo E., Cantillo T., Carnegie A.J., Carmo L.T., Castañeda-Ruiz R.F., Clement C.R., Čmoková A., Conceição L.B., Cruz R.H.S.F., Damm U., da Silva B.D.B., da Silva G.A., da Silva R.M.F., Santiago A.L.C.M.A., de Oliveira L.F., de Souza C.A.F., Déniel F., Dima B., Dong G., Edwards J., Félix C.R., Fournier J., Gibertoni T.B., Hosaka K., Iturriaga T., Jadan M., Jany J.-L., Jurjević Ž., Kolařík M., Kušan I., Landell M.F., Cordeiro T.R.L., Lima D.X., Loizides M., Luo S., Machado A.R., Magalhães O.M.C., Marinho P., Matočec N., Mešić A., Miller A.N., Morozova O.V., Neves R.P., Nonaka K., Nováková A., Oberlies N.H., Oliveira-Filho J.R.C., Oliveira T.G.L., Papp V., Pereira O.L., Perrone G., Peterson S.W., Pham T.H.G., Raja H.A., Raudabaugh D.B., Řehulka J., Rodríguez-Andrade E., Saba M., Schauflerová A., Shivas R.G., Simonini G., Siqueira J.P.Z., Sousa J.O., Stajsic V., Svetasheva T., Tan Y.P., Tkalčec Z., Ullah S., Valente P., Valenzuela-Lopez N., Abrinbana M., Marques D.A.V., Wong P.T.W., Xavier de Lima V., Groenewald J.Z.; Madrid, H. [Centro de Genómica y Bioinformatica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Mayor, Chile] (National Herbarium Nederland, 2018)
      Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Chaetopsina eucalypti on Eucalyptus leaf litter, Colletotrichum cobbittiense from Cordyline stricta x C. australis ...
    • Fungal Planet description sheets: 785-867 

      Madrid, H. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr Genom & Bioinformat, Camino Piramide 5750, Santiago, Chile]; Crous, P. W.; Luangsa-ard, J. J.; Wingfield, M. J.; Carnegie, A. J.; Hernández-Restrepo, M.; Lombard, L.; Roux, J.; Barreto, R. W.; Baseia, I. G.; Cano-Lira, J. F.; Martin, M. P.; Morozova, O. V.; Stchigel, A. M.; Summerell, B. A.; Brandrud, T. E.; Dima, B.; García, D.; Giraldo, A.; Guarro, J.; Gusmao, L. F. P.; Khamsuntorn, P.; Noordeloos, M. E.; Nuankaew, S.; Pinruan, U.; Rodríguez-Andrade, E.; Souza-Motta, C. M.; Thangavel, R.; van Iperen, A. L.; Abreu, V. P.; Accioly, T.; Alves, J. L.; Andrade, J. P.; Bahram, M.; Baral, H. -O.; Barbier, E.; Barnes, C. W.; Bendiksen, E.; Bernard, E.; Bezerra, J. D. P.; Bezerra, J. L.; Bizio, E.; Blair, J. E.; Bulyonkova, T. M.; Cabral, T. S.; Caiafa, M. V.; Cantillo, T.; Colman, A. A.; Conceicao, L. B.; Cruz, S.; Cunha, A. O. B.; Darveaux, B. A.; da Silva, A. L.; da Silva, G. A.; da Silva, G. M.; da Silva, R. M. F.; de Oliveira, R. J. V.; Oliveira, R. L.; De Souza, J. T.; Duenas, M.; Evans, H. C.; Epifani, F.; Felipe, M. T. C.; Fernandez-López, J.; Ferreira, B. W.; Figueiredo, C. N.; Filippova, N. V.; Flores, J. A.; Gene, J.; Ghorbani, G.; Gibertoni, T. B.; Glushakova, A. M.; Healy, R.; Huhndorf, S. M.; Iturrieta-González, I.; Javan-Nikkhah, M.; Juciano, R. F.; Jurjevic, Z.; Kachalkin, A. V.; Keochanpheng, K.; Krisai-Greilhuber, I.; Li, Y. -C.; Lima, A. A.; Machado, A. R.; Madrid, H.; Magalhaes, O. M. C.; Marbach, P. A. S.; Melanda, G. C. S.; Miller, A. N.; Mongkolsamrit, S.; Nascimento, R. P.; Oliveira, T. G. L.; Ordonez, M. E.; Orzes, R.; Palma, M. A.; Pearce, C. J.; Pereira, O. L.; Perrone, G.; Peterson, S. W.; Pham, T. H. G.; Piontelli, E.; Pordel, A.; Quijada, L.; Raja, H. A.; de Paz, E. Rosas; Ryvarden, L.; Saitta, A.; Salcedo, S. S.; Sandoval-Denis, M.; Santos, T. A. B.; Seifert, K. A.; Silva, B. D. B.; Smith, M. E.; Soares, A. M.; Sommai, S.; Sousa, J. O.; Suetrong, S.; Susca, A.; Tedersoo, L.; Telleria, M. T.; Thanakitpipattana, D.; Valenzuela-López, N.; Visagie, C. M.; Zapata, M.; Groenewald, J. Z. (RIJKSHERBARIUM, 2018)
      Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Angola, Gnomoniopsis angolensis and Pseudopithomyces angolensis on unknown host plants. Australia, Dothiora cotymbiae on ...
    • Fungal Planet description sheets: 868-950 

      Madrid, H. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr Genom & Bioinformat]; Crous, P. W.; Carnegie, A. J.; Wingfield, M. J.; Sharma, R.; Mughini, G.; Noordeloos, M. E.; Santini, A.; Shouche, Y. S.; Bezerra, J. D. P.; Dima, B.; Guarnaccia, V.; Imrefi, I.; Jurjevic, Z.; Knapp, D. G.; Kovacs, G. M.; Magista, D.; Perrone, G.; Rama, T.; Rebriev, Y. A.; Shivas, R. G.; Singh, S. M.; Souza-Motta, C. M.; Thangavel, R.; Adhapure, N. N.; Alexandrova, A. V.; Alfenas, A. C.; Alfenas, R. F.; Alvarado, P.; Alves, A. L.; Andrade, D. A.; Andrade, J. P.; Barbosa, R. N.; Barili, A.; Barnes, C. W.; Baseia, I. G.; Bellanger, J. -M.; Berlanas, C.; Bessette, A. E.; Bessette, A. R.; Biketova, A. Yu.; Bomfim, F. S.; Brandrud, T. E.; Bransgrove, K.; Brito, A. C. Q.; Cano-Lira, J. F.; Cantillo, T.; Cavalcanti, A. D.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Chikowski, R. S.; Conforto, C.; Cordeiro, T. R. L.; Craine, J. D.; Cruz, R.; Damm, U.; de Oliveira, R. J. V.; de Souza, J. T.; de Souza, H. G.; Dearnaley, J. D. W.; Dimitrov, R. A.; Dovana, F.; Erhard, A.; Esteve-Raventos, F.; Felix, C. R.; Ferisin, G.; Fernandes, R. A.; Ferreira, R. J.; Ferro, L. O.; Figueiredo, C. N.; Frank, J. L.; Freire, K. T. L. S.; Garcia, D.; Gene, J.; Gesiorska, A.; Gibertoni, T. B.; Gondra, R. A. G.; Gouliamova, D. E.; Gramaje, D.; Guard, F.; Gusmao, L. F. P.; Haitook, S.; Hirooka, Y.; Houbraken, J.; Hubka, V.; Inamdar, A.; Iturriaga, T.; Iturrieta-González, I.; Jadan, M.; Jiang, N.; Justo, A.; Kachalkin, A. V.; Kapitonov, V. I.; Karadelev, M.; Karakehian, J.; Kasuya, T.; Kautmanova, I.; Kruse, J.; Kusan, I.; Kuznetsova, T. A.; Landell, M. F.; Larsson, K. -H.; Lee, H. B.; Lima, D. X.; Lira, C. R. S.; Machado, A. R.; Madrid, H.; Magalhaes, O. M. C.; Majerova, H.; Malysheva, E. F.; Mapperson, R. R.; Marbach, P. A. S.; Martin, M. P.; Martin-Sanz, A.; Matocec, N.; McTaggart, A. R.; Mello, J. F.; Melo, R. F. R.; Mesic, A.; Michereff, S. J.; Miller, A. N.; Minoshima, A.; Molinero-Ruiz, L.; Morozova, O. V.; Mosoh, D.; Nabe, M.; Naik, R.; Nara, K.; Nascimento, S. S.; Neves, R. P.; Olariaga, I.; Oliveira, R. L.; Oliveira, T. G. L.; Ono, T.; Ordonez, M. E.; Ottoni, A. de M.; Paiva, L. M.; Pancorbo, F.; Pant, B.; Pawlowska, J.; Peterson, S. W.; Raudabaugh, D. B.; Rodríguez-Andrade, E.; Rubio, E.; Rusevska, K.; Santiago, A. L. C. M. A.; Santos, A. C. S.; Santos, C.; Sazanova, N. A.; Shah, S.; Sharma, J.; Silva, B. D. B.; Siquier, J. L.; Sonawane, M. S.; Stchigel, A. M.; Svetasheva, T.; Tamakeaw, N.; Telleria, M. T.; Tiago, P. V.; Tian, C. M.; Tkalcec, Z.; Tomáshevskaya, M. A.; Truong, H. H.; Vecherskii, M. V.; Visagie, C. M.; Vizzini, A.; Yilmaz, N.; Zmitrovich, I. V.; Zvyagina, E. A.; Boekhout, T.; Kehlet, T.; Laessoe, T.; Groenewald, J. Z. (RIJKSHERBARIUM, 2019)
      Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Chaetomella pseudocircinoseta and Coniella pseudodiospyri on Eucalyptus microcorys leaves, Cladophialophora eucalypti, ...
    • Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 2 

      Wingfield, Michael J. [Sudáfrica. University of Pretoria]; Madrid, Hugo [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Centro de Genómica y Bioinformática] (CIENCIAS, 2016)
      The present study introduces two new genera, 14 new species, five new combinations and 12 interesting host and/or geographical records. Novel species include: Castanediella malaysiana on Eucalyptus brassiana (Malaysia), ...
    • Fungal systematics and evolution: FUSE 3 

      Krisai-Greilhuber I., Chen Y., Jabeen S., Madrid H., Marincowitz S., Kazaq A., Ševčiková H., Voglmayr H., Yazici K., Aptroot A., Asian A., Boekhout T., Borovička J., Crous P.W., Ilyas S., Jami F., Jiang Y.-L., Khalid A.N., Kolecka A., Konvalinková T., Norphanphoun C., Shaheen S., Wang Y., Wingfield M.J., Wu S.-P., Wu Y.-M., Yu J.-Y.; Madrid, Hugo [Centro de Genómica y Bioinformatica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Mayor, Chile] (Verlag Ferdinand Berger und Sohne GmbH, 2017)
      The present study introduces seven new species, one new combination, one new variety and several interesting taxonomical notes and/or geographical records. Most of the new taxa are Ascomycetes, but the study also includes ...
    • Gadolinium Chloride Rescues Niemann-Pick Type C Liver Damage 

      Cortez, Cristián [Univ Mayor, Fac Sci, Ctr Genom & Bioinformat, Santiago 8580745, Chile]; Klein, Andrés D.; Esteban Oyarzún, Juan; Zanlungo, Silvana (MDPI, 2018)
      Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) disease is a rare neurovisceral cholesterol storage disorder that arises from loss of function mutations in the NPC1 or NPC2 genes. Soon after birth, some patients present with an aggressive ...
    • Galactic or extragalactic chemical tagging for NGC3201? Discovery of an anomalous CN-CH relation 

      Araya, I. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Nucleo Matemat Fis & Estadist, Santiago, Chile]; Dias, B.; Nogueira-Cavalcante, J. P.; Saker, L.; Shokry, A. (EDP SCIENCES S A, 2018)
      Context. The origin of the globular cluster (GC) NGC 3201 is under debate. Its retrograde orbit points to an extragalactic origin, but no further chemical evidence supports this idea. Light-element chemical abundances are ...
    • Gaps, biases, and future directions in research on the impacts of anthropogenic land-use change on aquatic ecosystems: a topic-based bibliometric analysis 

      Fernández, Francisco J. [Univ Mayor, Sch Agron, Fac Sci, Chile]; Muñoz, Manuel; Ponce Oliva, Roberto D.; Vásquez-Lavín, Felipe; Gelcich, Stefan (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2021-08)
      Anthropogenic land use change (ALUC) satisfies human needs but also impacts aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic ecosystems are intrinsically linked with terrestrial landscapes, an association that is already recognized as a key ...
    • Gelatinolytic activity in gingival crevicular fluid from teeth with periapical lesions 

      Pabst, Carolina [Chile. Universidad Mayor]; Martínez, Benjamín [Chile. Universidad Mayor]; Hernández, Marcela [Universidad de Chile] (CIENCIAS, 2008)
      Objective. Many matrix metalloproteinases ( MMPs) have been associated with periodontal tissue destruction during chronic and apical periodontitis. The aim of this study was to determine gelatinolytic activity in gingival ...
    • Gender differences in legal outcomes of filicide in Austria and Finland 

      Fernández Arias, P. [Univ Mayor, Soc & Hlth Res Ctr, Santiago, Chile]; Amon, S.; Putkonen, H.; Weizmann-Henelius, G.; Klier, C. M. (SPRINGER WIEN, 2019)
      Female offenders of filicide have been found to receive more lenient legal handling than male offenders. We aimed to discover these possible gender differences in the legal outcome of filicide cases. This was a binational ...
    • Gene expression and chromosomal location for susceptibility to Sjogren's syndrome 

      Anaya, Juan-Manuel [Colombia.Universidad del Rosario]; Aguilera, Sergio [Chile. Universidad Andrés Bello]; Úrzua, Ulises [Universidad de Chile]; Munroe, David [Estados Unidos. National Institutes of Health NIH]; Molina, Claudio [Chile. Universidad Mayor] (CIENCIAS, 2009)
      Primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease affecting mainly the exocrine glands. Its physio-pathology is poorly understood and most of the knowledge has been related to the inflammatory ...
    • Gene Families, Epistasis and the Amino Acid Preferences of Protein Homologs 

      Ferrada, Evandro [Univ Mayor, Fac Sci, Ctr Genom & Bioinformat] (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2019)
      In order to preserve structure and function, proteins tend to preferentially conserve amino acids at particular sites along the sequence. Because mutations can affect structure and function, the question arises whether the ...
    • Gene Regulatory Networks of Penicillium echinulatum 2HH and Penicillium oxalicum 114-2 Inferred by a Computational Biology Approach 

      Lenz, Alexandre Rafael; Galán-Vásquez, Edgardo; Balbinot, Eduardo; de Abreu, Fernanda Pessi; Souza de Oliveira, Nikael; da Rosa, Leticia Osorio; de Avila e Silva, Scheila; Camassola, Marli; Dillon, Aldo Jose Pinheiro; Pérez-Rueda, Ernesto [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr Genom & Bioinformat, Chile] (Frontiers Media S.A., 2020-10)
      Penicillium echinulatum 2HH and Penicillium oxalicum 114-2 are well-known cellulase fungal producers. However, few studies addressing global mechanisms for gene regulation of these two important organisms are available so ...
    • Generation of a protocol for the synthesis of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with florfenicol through the ionic gelation method 

      Parodi, Jorge [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias Vicerrectoria Invest & Postgrad, Lab Biol Celular & Mol Aplicada, Temuco, Chile]; Carmona, Erico R.; Plaza, Tania; Recio-Sánchez, Gonzalo (UNIV NACIONAL MAYOR SAN MARCOS, 2018)
      The formation of nanoparticles of chitosan by the ionic gelation method has a high potential for loading, transport and controlled release of molecules. It is a simple method and the nanoparticles have good absorption, ...
    • Generative Models Of Morphogenesis In Developmental Biology 

      Stillman, Namid R.; Mayor, Roberto [Univ Mayor, Fac Sci, Ctr Integrat Biol, Santiago, Chile] (2023)
    • Genetic Analysis As A Tool To Improve The Monitoring Of Stranded Cetaceans In Chile 

      Kraft, Sebastian; Rodríguez, Francisca; Olavarría, Carlos; Poulin, Elie; Perez-Alvarez, Maria José [Univ Mayor, Escuela Med Vet, Fac Med & Ciencias Salud, Chile] (2023)

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