• On the proportional abundance of species: Integrating population genetics and community ecology 

      Marquet P.A., Espinoza G., Ganz A., Rebolledo R.; Abades, Sebastián R. [Centro de Genómica, Ecología y Medio Ambiente, GEMA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Mayor, Chile] (Nature Publishing Group, 2017)
      The frequency of genes in interconnected populations and of species in interconnected communities are affected by similar processes, such as birth, death and immigration. The equilibrium distribution of gene frequencies ...
    • Macroecological factors shape local-scale spatial patterns in agriculturalist settlements 

      Tao T., Teng S., Huang Z.Y.X., Reino L., Chen B.J.W., Zhang Y., Xu C., Svenning J.-C.; Abades, Sebastián [Centro de Genómica, Ecología y Medio Ambiente, GEMA, Universidad Mayor, Chile] (The Royal Society, 2017)
      Macro-scale patterns of human systems ranging from population distribution to linguistic diversity have attracted recent attention, giving rise to the suggestion that macroecological rules shape the assembly of human ...
    • Phenology determines the robustness of plant-pollinator networks 

      Ramos-Jiliberto, Rodrigo [Univ Mayor, Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm GEMA]; Moisset de Espanes, Pablo; Franco-Cisterna, Mauricio; Petanidou, Theodora; Vazquez, Diego P. (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2018)
      Plant-pollinator systems are essential for ecosystem functioning, which calls for an understanding of the determinants of their robustness to environmental threats. Previous studies considering such robustness have focused ...
    • Small eukaryotic phytoplankton communities in tropical waters off Brazil are dominated by symbioses between Haptophyta and nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria 

      Lopes dos Santos, Adriana [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm, Camino La Piramide 5750, Santiago, Chile]; Ribeiro, Catherine Gerikas; Marie, Dominique; Brandini, Frederico Pereira; Vaulot, Daniel (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2018)
      Symbioses between eukaryotic algae and nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria have been recognized in recent years as a key source of new nitrogen in the oceans. We investigated the composition of the small photosynthetic eukaryote ...
    • Metabolic potential and in situ transcriptomic profiles of previously uncharacterized key microbial groups involved in coupled carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycling in anoxic marine zones 

      Trefault, Nicole [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm, Santiago, Chile]; Plominsky, Alvaro M.; Podell, Sheila; Blanton, Jessica M.; De la Iglesia, Rodrigo; Allen, Eric E.; von Dassow, Peter; Ulloa, Osvaldo (WILEY, 2018)
      Anoxic marine zones (AMZs) impact biogeochemical cycles at the global scale, particularly the nitrogen cycle. Key microbial players from AMZs have been identified, but the majority remains unrecognized or uncharacterized. ...
    • Ostreococcus tauri Luminescent Reporter Lines as Biosensors for Detecting Pollution From Copper-Mine Tailing Effluents in Coastal Environments 

      Andrade, Santiago [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr GEMA Genom Ecol & Media Ambiente, Santiago, Chile]; Trefault, Nicole [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Ctr GEMA Genom Ecol & Media Ambiente, Santiago, Chile]; Henriquez-Castillo, Carlos; Botebol, Hugo; Mouton, Adelaide; Ramírez-Flandes, Salvador; Lozano, Jean-Claude; Lelandais, Gaelle; De la Iglesia, Rodrigo; Bouget, Francois-Yves (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2018)
      Phytoplankton cells are excellent biosensors for environmental monitoring and toxicity assessments in different natural systems. Green algae, in particular, appear to be more responsive to copper (Cu) disturbances. This ...
    • Temperature modulates Fischerella thermalis ecotypes in Porcelana Hot Spring 

      Trefault, Nicole [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm, Santiago, Chile]; Alcorta, Jaime; Espinoza, Sebastián; Viver, Tomeu; Alcaman-Arias, María E.; Rossello-Mora, Ramón; Diez, Beatriz (ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG, 2018)
      In the Porcelana Hot Spring (Northern Patagonia), true-branching cyanobacteria are the dominant primary producers in microbial mats, and they are mainly responsible for carbon and nitrogen fixation. However, little is known ...
    • Distinctive Archaeal Composition of an Artisanal Crystallizer Pond and Functional Insights Into Salt-Saturated Hypersaline Environment Adaptation 

      Trefault, Nicole [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm, Santiago, Chile]; Plominsky, Alvaro M.; Henriquez-Castillo, Carlos; Delherbe, Nathalie; Podell, Sheila; Ramírez-Flandes, Salvador; Ugalde, Juan A.; Santibañez, Juan F.; van den Engh, Ger; Hanselmann, Kurt; Ulloa, Osvaldo; De la Iglesia, Rodrigo; Allen, Eric E. (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2018)
      Hypersaline environments represent some of the most challenging settings for life on Earth. Extremely halophilic microorganisms have been selected to colonize and thrive in these extreme environments by virtue of a broad ...
    • High similarity in the microbiota of cold-water sponges of the Genus Mycale from two different geographical areas 

      Trefault, Nicole [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm, Santiago, Chile]; Cárdenas, César A.; González-Aravena, Marcelo; Font, Alejandro; Hestetun, Jon T.; Hajdu, Eduardo; Malmbergg, Maja; Bongcarn-Rudloff, Erik (PEERJ INC, 2018)
      Sponges belonging to genus Mycale are common and widely distributed across the oceans and represent a significant component of benthic communities in term of their biomass, which in many species is largely composed by ...
    • Species traits and network structure predict the success and impacts of pollinator invasions 

      Ramos-Jiliberto, Rodrigo [Univ Mayor, Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm GEMA]; Valdovinos, Fernanda S.; Berlow, Eric L.; Moisset de Espanes, Pablo; Vázquez, Diego P.; Martínez, Neo D. (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2018)
      Species invasions constitute a major and poorly understood threat to plant-pollinator systems. General theory predicting which factors drive species invasion success and subsequent effects on native ecosystems is particularly ...
    • The process of connectivity loss during habitat fragmentation and their consequences on population dynamics 

      Ramos-Jiliberto, Rodrigo [Univ Mayor, Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm GEMA]; Cordova-Lepe, Fernando; Del Valle, Rodrigo (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2018)
      Understanding the processes and consequences of habitat fragmentation is highly relevant since it represents a serious threat to biodiversity. However, fragmentation includes several facets that are difficult to dissect, ...
    • Next Generation Sequencing and mass spectrometry reveal high taxonomic diversity and complex phytoplankton-phycotoxins patterns in Southeastern Pacific fjords 

      Moreno-Pino, Mario [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm, Camino Piramide 5750, Santiago, Chile]; Krock, Bernd; De la Iglesia, Rodrigo; Pizarro, Gemita; Vásquez, Mónica (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2018)
      In fjord systems, Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) not only constitute a serious problem when affecting the wildlife and ecosystems, but also human health and economic activities related to the marine environment. This is mostly ...
    • Highly masculinized and younger males attain higher reproductive success in a social rodent 

      Correa, Loreto A. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Escuela Med Vet, Nucleo Interdisciplinario, Camino Piramide 5750, Santiago, Chile]; Leon, Cecilia; Ramírez-Estrada, Juan; Ly-Prieto, Alvaro; Abades, Sebastián; Hayes, Loren D.; Soto-Gamboa, Mauricio; Ebensperger, Luis A. (OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, 2018)
      Alternative morphotypes have been reported in males of different taxa. In some mammals, highly masculinized and slightly masculinized males represent 2 opposite ends along a gradient of phenotypic variation in males. This ...
    • Exclusion of Small Mammals and Lagomorphs Invasion Interact with Human-Trampling to Drive Changes in Topsoil Microbial Community Structure and Function in Semiarid Chile 

      Fernando D. Alfaro [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Center de Genómica, Ecología y Medio Ambiente (GEMA)]; Manzano, Marlene [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Center de Genómica, Ecología y Medio Ambiente (GEMA)]; Abades, Sebastián [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Center de Genómica, Ecología y Medio Ambiente (GEMA)]; Trefault, Nicole [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Center de Genómica, Ecología y Medio Ambiente (GEMA)]; De la Iglesia, Rodrigo [Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas]; Gaxiola, Aurora [Chile. Instituto de Ecología and Biodiversidad (IEB)]; Marquet, Pablo A. [Chile. Instituto de Ecología and Biodiversidad (IEB)]; Gutierrez, Julio R. [Chile. Instituto de Ecología and Biodiversidad (IEB)]; Meserve, Peter L. [Estados Unidos. University of Idaho]; Kelt, Douglas A. [Estados Unidos, University of California]; Belnap, Jayne [Estados Unidos. Southwest Biological Science Center]; Armesto, Juan J. [Chile. Instituto de Ecología and Biodiversidad (IEB)] (Facultad de Ciencias, 2018)
      Species losses and additions can disrupt the relationship between resident species and the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Persistent human-trampling, on the other hand, can have similar effects through the ...
    • Remnants of native forests support carnivore diversity in the vineyard landscapes of central Chile 

      Abades, Sebastián [Chile. Universidad Mayor. Facultad de Ciencias. Centro de Genómica, Ecología y Medio Ambiente]; García, Camila B.; Svensson, Gabriella L.; Bravo, Camila; Undurraga, María I.; Díaz-Forestier, Javiera; Godoy, Karina; Neaman, Alexander; Barbosa, Olga; Celis-Diez, Juan L. (Cambridge University Press, 2018-03)
      Carnivores play an important role in ecosystem functioning as apex predators. However, most carnivore species are threatened or have been extirpated in human-dominated landscapes. The Mediterranean region of central Chile ...
    • Potential distribution model of Leontochir ovallei using remote sensing data 

      Alfaro, F. D. [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Medio Ambiente]; Briceño-de-Urbaneja, I. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Teledetecc]; Pérez-Martínez, W. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Teledetecc]; Payacan, S. [Univ Mayor, Fac Ciencias, Teledetecc] (UNIV POLITECNICA VALENCIA, EDITORIAL UPV, 2019)
      Predicting the potential distribution of short-lived species with a narrow natural distribution range is a difficult task, especially when there is limited field data. The possible distribution of L. ovallei was modeled ...
    • Global ecological predictors of the soil priming effect 

      Abades, Sebastián [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm]; Bowker, Matthew A. [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm]; Bastida, Felipe; Bastidal, Felipe; Garcia, Carlos; Fierer, Noah; Eldridge, David J.; Alfaro, Fernando D.; Berhe, Asmeret Asefaw; Cutler, Nick A.; Gallardo, Antonio; Garcia-Velazquez, Laura; Hart, Stephen C.; Hayese, Patrick E.; Hernández, Teresa; Hseu, Zeng-Yei; Jehmlich, Nico; Kirchmair, Martin; Lambers, Hans; Neuhauser, Sigrid; Pena-Ramírez, Víctor M.; Pérez, Cecilia A.; Reed, Sasha C.; Santos, Fernanda; Siebe, Christina; Sullivan, Benjamin W.; Trivedi, Pankaj; Vera, Alfonso; Williams, Mark A.; Moreno, JoséLuis; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2019)
      Identifying the global drivers of soil priming is essential to understanding C cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. We conducted a survey of soils across 86 globally-distributed locations, spanning a wide range of climates, ...
    • Bacterial community structure in a sympagic habitat expanding with global warming: brackish ice brine at 85-90 degrees N 

      Trefault, Nicole [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm, Santiago, Chile]; Alfaro, Fernando D. [Univ Mayor, GEMA Ctr Genom Ecol & Environm, Santiago, Chile]; Fernández-Gómez, Beatriz; Diez, Beatriz; Polz, Martin F.; Ignacio Arroyo, Jose; Marchandon, German; Sanhueza, Cynthia; Farias, Laura; Marquet, Pablo A.; Molina-Montenegro, Marco A.; Sylvander, Peter; Snoeijs-Leijonmalm, Pauline (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2019)
      Larger volumes of sea ice have been thawing in the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) during the last decades than during the past 800,000 years. Brackish brine (fed by meltwater inside the ice) is an expanding sympagic habitat ...
    • Summer phyto- and bacterioplankton communities during low and high productivity scenarios in the Western Antarctic Peninsula 

      Trefault, Nicole [Univ Mayor, Ctr Genom & Bioinformat, Fac Sci, Santiago, Chile]; Fuentes, Sebastián; Ignacio Arroyo, Jose; Rodríguez-Marconi, Susana; Masotti, Italo; Alarcón-Schumacher, Tomás; Polz, Martin F.; De la Iglesia, Rodrigo; Diez, Beatriz (SPRINGER, 2019)
      Phytoplankton blooms taking place during the warm season drive high productivity in Antarctic coastal seawaters. Important temporal and spatial variations exist in productivity patterns, indicating local constraints ...
    • Seabird and pinniped shape soil bacterial communities of their settlements in Cape Shirreff, Antarctica 

      Trefault, Nicole [Univ Mayor, Fac Sci, Ctr Gen Ecol & Environm GEMA, Santiago, Chile]; Ramírez-Fernández, Lia; Caru, Margarita; Orlando, Julieta (PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2019)
      Seabirds and pinnipeds play an important role in biogeochemical cycling by transferring nutrients from aquatic to terrestrial environments. Indeed, soils rich in animal depositions have generally high organic carbon, ...

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